The new grant funds our work on studying new catalysts employed in methane dehydroaromatization
We present here our first results that show that forming zeolite-supported Mo carbides ex situ results in significant improvement in catalysts stability compared to the traditionally used Mo oxide catalysts, where the Mo carbide actove phases are formed in situ. To learn more, visit:
The Khatib group has been granted beamtime at National Synchrotron Light Source-2 (NSLS-2) at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) to perform operando X-Ray Absorption experiments in during the 2018 Spring cycle. Dr. Khatib will be traveling to BNL along with her PhD students, Apoorva and Mustafiz, to carry out opernado experiments that will shed light on the nature of the active sites in metal carbide based catalysts in working conditions for methane aromatization.
Dr. Khatib presents our work and chairs the Unconventionals: Shale Gas, LNG, CNG, and LPG session of the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division at the 2017 AIChE Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Two summer students from the Khatib group, Leah Harper and Jim Tata successfully complete their summer internship at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL). Leah and Jim spent 10 weeks at BNL under Dr. Khatib's supervision as part of the Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) funded by the DOE. Leah focused on performing Soft X-Ray Absorption measurements at NSLS-2 with the aim to characterize carbon species on methane aromatization catalysts prepared at TTU. Jim spent his efforts on preparing and testing Cu-based catalysts employed in water-gas shift reaction. The Khatib group is grateful to all the BNL collaborators who participated in the work, including: Jose Rodriguez, Sanjaya Senanayake, Robert Palomino, Dimitriy Vovchok. Leah and Jim recently obtained their Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at TTU and are now ready to pursue their graduate studies at TTU. Thank you for your hard work (and play) this summer and good luck!
Dr. Khatib has been selected for the 2017 Visiting Faculty Program funded by the DOE. Under this program Dr. Khatib will be taking three senior Chemical Engineering students, Leah Harper, Eva Osoro and Jim Tata, to perform research with her for 10 weeks at Brookhaven National Lab.
Dr. Khatib has receives two teachng awards:
2017 TLPDC Faculty Spotlight Award for her involvement with the center and her effort to employ evidence-based teaching methods to creatlively enhance students' learning in her classes, 2017 AIChE Student Chapter Best Professor Award, elected by AIChE member Chemical Engineering senior students at TTU.
Tate Harvey, a TTU Chemical Engineering undergraduate student completes a 10-week internship ant Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) as part of the Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) funded by the DOE. Tate was supervised by Dr. Khatib during the summer and performed advanced structural characterization of metal modified zeolites for methane aromatization, including IR-Drifts, XPS, Raman spectroscopy and STEM imaging. Tate presented all his results in the closing ceremony of the 2016 VFP program at BNL.
In the work we demonstrate how methane from natural gas can be upgraded directly into benzene and hydrogen using Fe-modified Mo/ZSM-5 catalysts. Benzene yield and catalyst stability are both enhanced by precarburizatin of the catalysts, forming modified Mo carbide species before reaction. To learn more, visit:
Dr. Khatib is the recipient of the 2017-2018 Whitacre College of Engineering George T. and Gladys Abell - Hanger Award for excellence in teaching at TTU.
Dr. Khatib presents the group's latest research results in an invited talk at symposium: "Metal-Support Interactions in Catalysis: Synthesis, Characterization, and Design" held at the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington D.C.
Teja Adepu graduated with a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the Khatib Laboratory.
"Kinetic Regime Determination and Metal Loading Effects in Methane Aromatization"
Congratulations Teja!
PhD candidates Mustafiz Rahman and Apoorva Sridhar present their work for the first time at the 2017 Southwest Catalysis Society Spring Symposium.
PhD candidates Mustafiz Rahman and Apoorva Farah Jacob is the first student to graduate with a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the Khatib group. She currently holds a position at Chempoint. Congratulations Farah!