- Director in Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE) Division of the AIChE (2019-2021)
- Area 20A Programming Chair for AIChE CRE Division (2022-2023)
- Chair of the AIChE-CRE Diversity and Inclusion Task Force (2022-2023)
- Director in Fuel and Petrochemicals Division of AIChE (2017-2019)
- Director at the Southwest Catalysis Society (SWCS) (2017-present)
- Associate Director at the TTU STEM Center for Outreach, Research and Education (STEM-CORE) (2017-2020)
- Member of the advisory board at the Center for the Integration of STEM Education and Research (CISER) - TTU (2017-2019).
- STEP (STEM Teaching, Engagement and Pedagogy) Program Specialist at TTU (2017-2021)
- The American Chemical Society (ACS).
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
- Southwest Catalysis Society (SWCS).